Sunday, December 12, 2010

Promotions in habbo

Haizzz I just started H.S.A military yesterday it was quite fun... But need to work very super hard... I just got 1 promotion. And yesterday I am not listed in the Attandance list. And didn't have the chance to get pay but... I fulfilled my mind of being a VIP... It was quite hard to archieve.I just got a new friend from there and she became my BFF . Her name is : -Turtleee in habbo and her rl name is Maggie i think. Today I worked for 2hs and 6 mins. It was very cooling... Like i feel. Quite fun lah .. My friend , Wenly Lim was so lazy and do not want to work in the end she worked owhhh ... Like I begged her... O.o So lazy lolx. Okayy I want to work ready so bye!



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