Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sorry for not posting,haha. I went to Fairmont Singapore hotel.At Christmas and to celebrate Uncle's 36th Birthday :D. I'm so excited the day when we are starting to go in the hotel.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Hey! Today wake up at 2a.m. ! So fun. Because need to fetch unclee from his flight to Singapore. Wow! :D Then next time / next year is our turn going back to Austrailia! Yay! HAHA. So see you just have all this to say :D WELCOME BACKKKKKKK.
Woah.Sorry,不张贴:对导致Facebook及哈宝忙。哈哈。 okayy张贴现在。对于那些没有张贴的原因2天没有张贴。 :磷:Okayy,今天YYs7就这么我不能让我对经过昨天一天支付不。 -.-那么今天我懒:哈哈有价证券从来没有工作,因为我觉得没有足够的奥索需要睡眠等9 + 9 +支付不够的。因此没有希望的工作。而现在,我的表弟(女)回到我们的房子!惠山!而且一直到周二周三去坎然后再来!然后arhh!我的叔叔,达伦谈,是从澳大利亚回来晚上,在明天清晨,上午02时。我希望我能去和感觉都没有睡意,于是去到机场迎接我的叔叔! :ð现在iPhone的Viber太好玩了!我们可以联系新加坡Austrialia。凌晨!然后我们去圣淘沙玩了!再次前往环球影城:对事业的姐妹们都不能去我去..因此,他们去玩玩,我,妈妈,玉石,将要循环,而他们玩吗?...晚安! :Ð

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Promotions in habbo

Haizzz I just started H.S.A military yesterday it was quite fun... But need to work very super hard... I just got 1 promotion. And yesterday I am not listed in the Attandance list. And didn't have the chance to get pay but... I fulfilled my mind of being a VIP... It was quite hard to archieve.I just got a new friend from there and she became my BFF . Her name is : -Turtleee in habbo and her rl name is Maggie i think. Today I worked for 2hs and 6 mins. It was very cooling... Like i feel. Quite fun lah .. My friend , Wenly Lim was so lazy and do not want to work in the end she worked owhhh ... Like I begged her... O.o So lazy lolx. Okayy I want to work ready so bye!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Photos being small.

Diary Diary

Photos here when I used to be small o.o
Opps... Hi (: I forgotten to write something in my diary. o.o . Today, mommy's boss gave her a cake. Don't dare to even try it cause all of them said not nice and complained so I dun dare to . By the way, I just came back from my trip to hotel. And always morning ate Buffet o.o . It's funny :D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Nothing to post right now but, i'm going to eat breakfast...okayy . Will post later and... I woke up at (:

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